Joseph M. Lento, J.D. Joseph M. Lento, J.D.

How a Spendthrift Clause Protects Your Children’s Inheritance

What is a spendthrift clause and why should I make sure to include one in my trust?

A spendthrift clause provides protection against voluntary and involuntary transfers of trust assets. For example, in the event that a beneficiary (e.g., your child) gets divorced, sued, or files for bankruptcy, the spendthrift clause (in conjunction with a properly structured trust) would protect those assets. Not surprisingly, many parents look for this type of protection when creating a trust for the benefit of their children until they feel their children have reached full financial maturity - generally somewhere between age 25 and 35.

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Joseph M. Lento, J.D. Joseph M. Lento, J.D.

Estate Planning for Blended Families

What are blended families?

In the United States, it is estimated that nearly half of Americans have been or will be included in a blended family at some point throughout their lifetime. Blended families are families that consist of a married couple with children from prior relationships - the most popular example being the Brady Bunch.

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