Joseph M. Lento, J.D. Joseph M. Lento, J.D.

Does A No Contest Clause Really Work?

You’ve probably heard horror stories of disgruntled heirs contesting a parent’s Will to try and get their “fair share” of an inheritance. While uncommon, it is particularly concerning when dealing with favoritism, children who have substance abuse or gambling issues, blended families, or illegitimate children. Fortunately, under Massachusetts law there are a few steps you can take to deter unwanted litigation – one of which is called the no contest clause (sometimes referred to as an “in terrorem” clause).

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Joseph M. Lento, J.D. Joseph M. Lento, J.D.

Safekeeping Your Estate Planning Documents

Completing your estate plan is a great accomplishment, but the fun’s not over yet – now you have to decide where to keep the papers for the rest of your life. Generally, you have three options for safekeeping your estate planning documents: Lawyer’s Office Traditionally, lawyers would keep and store their clients documents since they

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